MMOEXP: Able to create manual plays with the help of Madden 25
The problem is that there's no speed or angle to stop Moss from moving ahead of him at this point in the Madden 25 coins game. Patriots quarterback Tom Brady sets his feet and is preparing to make an extremely deep ball across field Moss. While the safety remains just a bit behind Moss at the moment, but being slightly ahead isn't enough for stopping the throw after the ball has been placed up in the air. Brady throws the ball as Moss is about to die even with the solid safety. As the ball gets closer, Moss begins to expand the gap between the two players of the Jets secondary. The pass deep from Brady can be completed by Moss and he's capable of securing his entire New York defense with ease.
Now let's take a peek at the same game, only this time, we'll utilize"spot receiver" to concentrate the Jets defense on the explosive Randy Moss.
We can make the quick decision to highlight Moss by pressing the right trigger and button on the 360. Or, press "R2" and receiver icons on the PS5 prior to snapping. Only one spotlight can be given to a receiver for each play Don't spend the time to shine the spotlight on each receiver in the field. In our current example the deep safety makes an initial break toward Moss when Brady is snapped. The difference this time is that our solid safety is still running towards Moss instead of standing in a flat position further away from the field.
At this moment in the play our safety's strong point is that he's moving into the field, as the cheap madden coins player is lined up right ahead of Moss. Our defensive line is in a better position to to stop the ball since he's was aware of his most important responsibility faster than he had before with the feature spotlight receiver.